About US
A Dream In Their Mind Is Our Mission
The Foundation was registered as a non-partisan, non-profit, non-governmental organization that focus on peacebuilding, conflict transformation, human right and social justice, good governance, economic development and environmental protection on 20th September, 2019 at the corporate affairs commission Abuja with the registration number CAC/IT/NO: 135928.

Rationale For the Initiative
Foundation for Peace, Hope and Conflict Management was borne out of desire to engage a humanitarian front and a nongovernmental approach to finding holistic, unbiased, innovative and long-lasting remedies to violent conflict situations across the nation.
At the Foundation for Peace, Hope, and Conflict Management, we acknowledge that a wholesome solution to conflict situations must first recognize and attend to the primordial factors leading to the conflict itself. Thus, our management approach to conflict situations is improving the means of livelihood and creating an avenue for equal opportunity for people in the society irrespective of gender, tribe or religion and in contributing our quota to the protection and preservation of our local and global ecosystems.
The foundation is registered with the Ministry of Women Affairs and Child Development, Jalingo, Coalition of Civil Society Organization (CSO) in Taraba State and member of other NGO networks. As part of the Foundation’s goal towards ensuring and enhancing peace and harmonious co-existence among people of diverse culture, ethnic and religious affiliations, had in the near past organized a Zero Illiteracy Programme (ZIP) where books were donated to Primary and Tertiary Institutions (Universities) in Taraba State, carried out visibility and relief support exercise to IDP camp in Mutum-Biyu, provided palliatives to the less privileges in Wukari as response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, organized ‘Women Interstate Peacebuilding’ conference which took place in Abuja in August and recently organized a One-day community stakeholder’s peace dialogue Forum which focused on using dialogue as a tool to build peaceful co-existence among humankind within conflicting communities in commemorating the International Day of Peace with the theme ‘The Role of Community Stakeholders in Shaping Peace together’.
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About Us
Empowering Livelihoods, Equality and Environmental Stewardship
Our management approach prioritizes improving livelihoods and creating equal opportunities for all individuals in society, regardless of gender, tribe, or religion. Simultaneously, we are dedicated to playing our part in protecting and preserving both our local and global ecosystems.

The Zero Illiteracy Project (Zip):
Zero illiteracy project (ZIP), seeks to reduce mass illiteracy in the Society by encouraging the culture of reading. In the last two years, the focus of the Foundation has been to revamp Libraries across Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Institutions in Taraba State through its ZIP project. The foundation has donated books to several Institutions, such as the Federal University Wukari (FUW), Taraba State University Jalingo, Federal University Wukari Staff School and Kwararafa University Wukari. This project helps the youth and adults gain the literacy skills needed to improve their lives.

National Day of Mourning (NDOM2020)
The Foundation for Peace, Hope and Conflict Management (FPHCM) In partnership with Global Rights, organised a TV advocacy program to commensurate the National Day of Mourning and call on the government and relevant stakeholders such as traditional rulers, religious bodies, media and civil society organizations to join efforts towards ensuring peace and security in the State. This is aims at stirring the conscience of political class into developing political will to protect the common wealth through accountable governance. It is also meant to express solidarity with grieving communities across the country in acknowledging and according to dignity to every single Nigerian life that has been lost or disrupted, due to violent crises.

Women Interstate Peacebuidling Initiative (WIPI)
The role of women as peacemakers in the society cannot be overemphasized; more often women are marginalised and excluded from peace negotiation in the society. The Women Interstate Peace Initiative seeks to change the narrative and to project the voice of women in the Peacebuilding process in Benue-Taraba region and beyond. The primary objective of this initiative is to build the capacity of women in ensuring the concept of inter-religious and inter- cultural dialogue, fostering social cohesion and to ascertain the role of women in mitigating conflicts in their communities. The most recent of this training was held in August 2020 at Global Village Suites Abuja. Fifty (50) community women from Benue and Taraba state were train. Fifty (50) women capacities on Peacebuilding and conflict management skills are enhanced. Participant skills to mediate and resolve conflict in their communities was improved, participant role and participation in the Peacebuilding activities in their community was also establish. Participant unanimously agreed on action points and released communiqué to that effect.

One-Day Community Stakeholders Forum
The international day of peace began in 1981 through the resolution 36/37 by the United Nations General assembly, in an effort to reconcile people around the world. This year’s theme is ‘Shaping peace together’. On this day the UN urges all hostilities to stop worldwide. The International day of peace celebrates the power of global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world. This has never been so important at a time of unprecedented challenges, new forces of division have emerged, spreading hatred and intolerance. Hence, Foundation for Peace, Hope and Conflict Management join the United Nations and the rest of the world to commemorate the International Day of Peace by organizing a one day Dialogue Forum tagged ‘the role of community stakeholders in shaping peace”. The aim is to encourage stakeholders on the different roles they play in shaping peace as well as strengthen their participation in the peace process across the state. The objective of the Dialogue Forum was to give an insight on root cause of conflicts and identify the role of community stakeholders in the peace process. To strengthened the participation of community stakeholders in peace process and to initiate dialogue and reconciliation as an approach to peace. The major impact of the program is that each conflicting part now understands the root cause of conflict and has identified their roles as community stakeholders in the peace process. Facilitate participation of community stakeholders in the peace process and increase dialogue and reconciliation as a proactive measure to peace in the communities.
What We Do
Advocating for a peaceful society

Inclusive Dialogue
We emphasize on the word "Inclusive", we abhor irrational discrimination and marginalization of any group in the dialogue process. Thus, engaging in peacebuilding process that focus on training on early warning and early response, dialogue and reconciliation, mediation, trauma, resilience skills, cultural and religious co-existence.

Enterprise Promotion
Creation of wealth hinges on the creation of value. A community of several value establishments prosper and prosperity will lead to development and promotion of society where peace and social cohesion prevails. Hence, we are committed to empoweringwomen and youths tobe gainfully employed and be self-reliant through our vocational skills and entrepreneurshipprograms.

Sensitization & Advocacy
While we continue to make efforts towards sustainable developments in society, we acknowledge that the expected transformation must be equally backed up. Therefore, we carry out awareness campaigns on contemporary issues across the states.

Promote Good Governance
Good governance at all levels is fundamental to economic growth, political stability, and security. Thus, establishing an interphase between elected political leaders and electorates to dialogue, which provides dividends of democracy as well as promotes the participation of women and youths in the democratic process, is paramount to our collective existence as a people.

Social Justice & Opportunity Creation
We are all accountable to posterity for the environment we leave behind for inheritance. We therefore contribute in nature protection through research, sensitization and advocacy in the areas of renewable energy, efficient waste management and recycling, planting of tress, promotion of wildlife and nationalparks.

Nature Protection
We are all accountable to posterity for the environment we leave behind for inheritance. We therefore contribute in nature protection through research, sensitization and advocacy in the areas of renewable energy, efficient waste management and recycling, planting of tress, promotion of wildlife and nationalparks.
Our Amazing Partners