The International Day of Peace began in 1981 through Resolution 36/37 by the United Nations General Assembly, to reconcile people around the world. This year’s theme is ‘Shaping peace together’. On this day, the UN urges all hostilities to stop worldwide. The International Day of Peace celebrates the power of global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world. This has never been so important at a time of unprecedented challenges, new forces of division have emerged, spreading hatred and intolerance. Hence, the Foundation for Peace, Hope and Conflict Management joined the United Nations and the rest of the world to commemorate the International Day of Peace by organizing a one-day Dialogue Forum tagged ‘the role of community stakeholders in shaping peace”. The aim is to encourage stakeholders on the different roles they play in shaping peace as well as strengthen their participation in the peace process across the state. The objective of the Dialogue Forum was to give an insight on the root cause of conflicts and identify the role of community stakeholders in the peace process. To strengthen the participation of community stakeholders in the peace process and to initiate dialogue and reconciliation as an approach to peace. The major impact of the program is that each conflicting party now understands the root cause of conflict and has identified their roles as community stakeholders in the peace process. Facilitate participation of community stakeholders in the peace process and increase dialogue and reconciliation as a proactive measure to peace in the communities.